You added, upgraded, removed, activated or other wise modified a WordPress plugin and now you...
Protect WordPress AdminDefeat attacks from eating up your server’s CPU and prevent attackers from getting access...
Security and WPTo prevent unauthorized scanning of backup files, scripts, etc. Add this to your WordPress...
Spam HelpI would suggest that wordpress users use the following plugins: A) wp_spamfree to keep your blog...
WordPress Cron-Scheduled PostsTo schedule your posts, add this simple crontab entry to your servers crontab entry:*/1 * * *...
WordPress Multisite HelpWe highly recommend performing a back up of your site and ALL files PRIOR to creating your...
WordPress User RolesI often get these confused and wanted a quick how to for a self reminder. Hopefully, this...
WordPress secure modeEnjoying the peace of mind running WordPress in secure mode on the new M3XS 5 series...
Wordpress White ScreenWordpress is one of the most versatile scripts. However due to 3rd party scripts, themes, and...
htaccess and WordPressWe recommend the following to be included on your .htaccess file.order allow,denydeny from all#...